The trusted coherent,
real-time data repository
for your investment procedures.
NeoXam IBOR: A trusted real-time data repository for your investment procedures designed to help financial institutions provide positions, exposures, coherent and reliable analysis for your organization.
What NeoXam IBOR Covers?
Data Domains
By putting IBOR (Investment Book of Record) at the heart of your investment procedures, we have enriched, reliable data transmitted in real time and reduced the complexity of your STP chain.
- Fully Ready, pre-configured Data Domains, reducing implementation time.
- Connected IBOR data with unrivaled data exposure or consumption capacity in real-time using API and endlessly configurable connectors.
- Extendable templates fully adaptable to fit your needs.
Data Computation
Calculate and enrich your investment data in real time with ready-to-use, fully customizable services.
Real-time calculation and distribution of positions and exposures to systems downstream.
Flexibility and transparency.
Comprehensive: get a full, high-performance IBOR.
Data Monitoring
NeoXam IBOR offers specific dashboards for monitoring day-to-day activity to proactively detect, correct, or escalate data discrepancies and anomalies.
Anticipate by tracking time limits for daily processes and data exchanges to process anomalies or delays upstream.
Efficiency by organizing priorities according to user-defined rules and restrictions.
Accuracy by browsing from synoptic indicators to unitary data to carry out processing.
Data Reconciliation
IBOR Reconciliation: detect, correct, and approve divergences because reliable data goes hand in hand with reconciled data.
Reduced operational risk through standard quality and exhaustiveness controls.
Efficiency by detecting anomalies so resolution and escalation mechanisms can be activated to prevent data processing or distribution delays.
Secure, since every intervention is audited and traced.
Data Access
Offering a wide range of enterprise data distribution options, including the indispensable CSV via SFTP option, via REST/SOAP API, or over a JMS message broker.
Security and regulatory compliance requirements.
API standard to access data domains without any configuration.
Real-time data updates.
Cloud Native
A real-time, parallelized platform based on Kubernetee, Terraform, and Helm technologies, allowing organizations for easy deployment in the cloud and optimal exploitation of the cloud’s elasticity.
Scalable either horizontally through the addition of additional servers or vertically by adding power.
Notification system for changes made.
Cost optimization by enabling additional resources only when they are needed.