Case study

Streamlining Global Fund Operations with NeoXam IBOR


IBOR for Operational Efficiency

To enhance operational efficiency, a leading global investment management company implemented NeoXam IBOR (Investment Book of Record). By leveraging IBOR for operational efficiency, the company achieved a unified system that seamlessly integrated with diverse platforms, standardized operations across regions, and provided fund managers with real-time positions and cash data.

This integration led to a streamlined operational model, enabling efficient task transfer among regional teams and significantly improving fund management through real-time cash monitoring.

NeoXam IBOR addressed critical challenges, including regional fragmentation, rigid existing solutions, and limited portfolio insights, resulting in optimized operations, accurate projections, and enhanced data visibility for better decision-making.

Why NeoXam IBOR


Data Centric

Data-centric solution, integrated with NeoXam Datahub.


System Compatibility

Capability to interface with multiple systems.


Real-Time Positions

 Real-time position keeping.

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